Kim White

My Activity Tracking

67.5 km

84 km

Never discount walking for your mental health

Tough day at work today - lots of driving and two unproductive meetings.

Was going to “take a rest day” when my wife convinced me to go walking with her.

What a stress release - only a short walk but refreshed my mind and my attitude.

Walking is great for the heart - with a bonus of refreshing your mental health.

By the way, still waiting for your $20 or $50 support for this great initiative.

Great walks after Mothers Day big brekkie

Solid day with two walks totalling 9.2km.

First was a fast 5.64km walk, longest to date, with several little hill climbs.
Then a beach walk with my wife for Mothers Day.

Biggest day and longest single walk at 5.64km.

Tired but a nice tiredness.

Great beach walk - an easy 5km

Always nice getting out walking with my wife.

The Papamoa/Mount beach at low tide is easy on the body and so peaceful.

Find a quiet spot, find somewhere in our beautiful NZ countryside and start walking for your heart health.

5km is the longest individual walk I’ve measured on this event.

Next weekend, the goal for the longest walk increases to 10km.

Oh those hills hurst

At the end of this event I plan to walk around, then up, the Mount.

I have not done that particular walk since 2010.

I was fit at the time, did the run, then the next day felt dizzy walking up a few steps.

Long story short, a few tests and two stents at 48 for two blocked arteries.

Since then I’ve played soccer, coached and refereed the Bucklands Beach reserve ladies team (5 years), kayaked a 300km, 9 day adventure to raise money for charity, plus a great deal more outdoor activities.

I love the outdoors.

So at the end of this fund raising event I will get back to the top of the Mount, to close off a part of my life.

It’s not like climbing Everest, but it’s personal and should be recognised and celebrated.

So today my first specific hill walking, including 196 steps in a nice bush walk.

Day 2 and we underway.

Good to get this adventure underway - the waiting was a pain.

Started easy with two smaller walks (before and after work). 

Needed a bit of stretching this morning, before a longer walk before work.

Weather may become an issue later in the month but I have a good raincoat. 😎

Thanks to all those following me - don’t forget to share my page with your connections so we can support the NZ Heart Foundations activities.

Early stages but already some great support from friends and colleagues.

Only two days into the sponsorship event and I’ve decided to raise the target to $1000.

The actual walking event starts on May 1st but having this support already is so encouraging.

Share my page please and let’s smash this goal together.


Support my challenge to save Kiwi hearts

This May, I’m taking part in MyMarathon to raise funds for heart research that will help save lives.

Every 90 minutes, a person dies of heart disease.

Heart disease is the single biggest killer in New Zealand, and I want to do something to support the thousands of Kiwis whose lives are impacted by this disease every single day.

Please make a donation to support my challenge and help save Kiwi hearts.

Together, we can win the race against heart disease.

Thank you!

My Achievements

My Pledge for Kiwi Hearts

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First Donation Received

Halfway to $ Goal

Met $ goal

Logged First KM

Halfway to KM Goal

Reached KM Goal

Raised $100

Heart Hero

Thank you to my sponsors


Geoff Lovegrove


Insureright 2019 Ltd

Go well mate.


Jeremy Simpson

Nice work



Making a difference in whatever way you can. Ive always admired that characteristic you continually live out Kim. Happy to support your efforts and the cause.


Trevor Robas

Good on you, Kim.


Mark Stanley

Go Kim



Nice work Kim!



Good cause Kim xx


Barbara Rowe

Good luck awesome person..xxxxx


William Brown

Good luck mate


Rory Sheehan

Keep up the great work Kim. Outstanding effort


Caen Chapman-taylor

goodluck mate


Jonathan Warner

Great work Kim, well done!


Kim White


Rohan Graaff


Kristin White

Good luck Dad!!

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